totems and taboos

title card totems taboos

a divine board game for 1 - 4 players

As one of up to 4 divine players, you try to persuade lost souls to follow you. Develop a religion of choice with its own set of rules and commandments.

The more believers, the higher you can build your tower and the more powerful your cards and miracles are.

Use every trick in the holy book to become the dominant religion and win the game.

totems and taboos box with dice

TOTEMS + TABOOS was launched on Kickstarter but the campaign was not successful, unfortunately.
But that’s not the end of the world! We have plenty of games, available as Print&Plays in our shop.

use the 6 building blocks of religion, each with their own set of powers

updated totem blocks for totems and taboos

what will YOUR religion worship?

death card with cat

Mors mihi lucrum. Tis but a veil that separates our world from the next. Mors tua, vita mea.

A sacrifice to shred the shroud, and channel the magic that lies beyond. Non omnis moriar.

TRUTH card with fish

Experimentation has proven beyond doubt that quantic conundrums remain to be disentangled. Speculations need to be formulated, data needs to be gathered, analyses need to be made. The cosmic axioms will be unraveled.

LIFE card with chicken

O wondrous miracle of Creation divine! Our world, abundant with Life, a testament to Thine generosity. All that flourishes, grows for Thee. We hallow Thy Will with every blessed breath we draw.

fear card with nosering bull

BEHOLD! Terrifying powers dominate everything! Destruction imminent, ravaging storms, annihilation of ALL. Fall to your knees and TREMBLE! There is but one force, FORCE itself. Violence is the only salvation.

love card with elephant

Come join us, beloved, leave behind the solitude of the self. Alone we are adrift, but united we can revel in the endless love of the universe. Surrender your self, my darling, become a part of us.

faith card with snake

The Journey begot the Vision begot the Wisdom begot the Prophet begot the Gospel begot the Teachings begot the Book begot the Rules begot the Punishment begot your Obedience begot your Soul. It is so.

divider line

the ritual

Read the Holy Book with game rules (PDF)

1 to 4 players

30 to 90 mins

ages 12 and up

TOTEMS + TABOOS never saw the light of day, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a game for you. In fact, we have loads! Check out the Print&Plays in the shop.

the creators

Maarten De Schrijver

Dennis Lippens

Dries De Geyter